Martin County Commissioners

Sarah Heard, Anne Scott, Ed Fielding

Martin County Commissioner Sarah Heard and former Commissioner Anne Scott turned themselves in to the Martin County Jail on Thursday as they face new charges of public records violations.

Commissioner Ed Fielding also faces criminal charges. He was arrested in November.

In 2006, the Expressway amendment authorized urban development at all four corners of the Interstate 95 and Bridge Road intersection. The amendment was repealed because of our challenge. Taxpayer road dollars were saved. Extreme Sports was rejected in 2012.

The amendment:

— eliminates the Expressway Oriented Transient Commercial Service Center land use designation (remember the proposed Extreme Sports project off Bridge Road?)

The Amendment was adopted in December of 2014 (it was approved by Commissioners Scott, Fielding and Heard with Commissioners Haddox and Smith opposed). A challenge was filed by several large land owners who were particularly opposed to elimination of the EOTSCS designation (did I mention the Extreme Sports project off Bridge Road?) and the return to the 2,000 gallon-per-day septic system limit. All of the challengers eventually settled except Martin Land Company.


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